
Tuesday 16 October 2018

Thread and Word - A Walk with Shrines. 

Ofrendas responding to The Hoarder by Jess Kidd

Taking time to reflect with Virginia Fitch 

Images of Ofrendas (offerings ) made by Virginia Fitch with some words as she reflects on the process.

"Although I enjoyed the process and the walk – it was nevertheless a challenge for me to produce my ofrendas.  It gave me a tiny glimpse into what an artist goes through creating art.  Finding the initial idea, the ruminating about it, putting off doing anything, finally physically making it – the rush to create it to the exclusion of all else, and showing it to others.  These were new experiences for me.  And has of course left me wanting to do more – particularly through the medium of walking."

                                            (Virginia Fitch)

Some thoughts on the book  " The Hoarder' by Jess Kidd ,  written by Virginia:

"It is a novel about loss and grief.  It is also a novel about self-discovery brought about by caring and looking after someone else.  
This is the self-discovery I felt after caring for my mother and after finally losing her – I realised I understood more about myself, and my own weaknesses and strengths."

 ( Virginia Fitch)

Sonia Overall and Virginia Fitch in conversation - 'Ofrendas' 

With thanks to Anastasia Miller for photography and Virginia Fitch for words and photographs of her Ofrendas.

A link below. to the video with footage of processional walking and of offerings created to form a liturgy to four books by four authors at The Autumn Bookie in Margate.

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