
Wednesday 11 March 2020

Florilegium, A Gathering of Flowers 

Walking and creating stories with GOLD project group members .

A window installation at 215 217 Northdown Rd . Margate for POW Thanet 2020.

The installation will be in place for the whole of March.

  1. This project takes its inspiration from Foreligium, a diary shared between communities that are interested in flowers. Floreligium can be translated literally as "a gathering of flowers". It contains scraps of writing, drawing and collage that have been shared amongst the community and those who are new to it. They discuss the discovery of new specimens, the best spots to see a rarity and other fanatical stories.

Our project began with a walk at the Garden Gate in Margate in January led through Thread and Word.

 Unravelling a ribbon with a line from the poem Thread and Word written by Cecilia Vicuña. 

We walked around the garden and  read lines from the  poem Hilo y Palabra by Cecilia Vicuña and through walking reading and talking we gathered our ideas.

We made rope.

We created

This was followed by fortnightly workshops at GOLD led by local artists. The members of GOLD projects experimented with techniques and  materials.

Fab display boxes made by George Harding and Georgia May Jaeckle

Some careful curation in March

A celebration  

We hope you have time to visit!

A project delivered through Well Projects and GOLD Project  in Margate supported by POW Thanet 

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